Meet Rachel

Get to know Rachel and follow along with her journey with Miracle Money

Who is Rachel?

San Francisco, CA

Rachel was raised in a family of nine. After her husband passed away and her four daughters moved out, she struggled with poverty and loneliness. Isolated in a Shelter-in-Place hotel, she remembers, “after shutting the door to my room, an overwhelming fear of losing control over my own life.” Fortunately, Rachel was paired with Miracle Friends volunteers who lessened the loneliness and provided a sounding board.

Miracle Money Goals 2021

1. Purchase a bed of her own for a good night’s sleep

2. Purchase a table for reading and research

3. Continue to pursue permanent housing

More about Rachel

Even when living in a homeless shelter, Rachel volunteered for her community, distributing food during the pandemic. She also spoke at meetings with the San Francisco Department of Homelessness and the Union Square Business Improvement District, raising awareness about the circumstances that cause people to experience homelessness. 

Rachel plans to use some of the Miracle Money to make her next home warm and cozy, so she can invite her daughters and grandchildren over, a pleasure she’s missed in her four years of homelessness. 


Rachel’s Miracle Money Experience

Rachel’s Miracle Friend nominated her for the program because she sensed that Rachel would be wise with her money and make good use of it: "She's proactive and spirited about architecting her next steps, has clear desires and goals for herself, and is careful with her expenditures."

Rachel says, “I grew up helping people who had even less than we did.”

The Miracle Money stipend will help Rachel get settled into what we hope is soon her new home.

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Why Miracle Money?


Build relationships.

Our Miracle Friends program meets people where they are at, treats people not as problems to be solved but as people to be loved. We find that good communication and accountability follow.

Give funds.

We have raised over $45,000 through peer-to-peer fundraising to give 15 recipients $500/month for six months. Funds are used for housing, car repairs and transportation, bills, clothing, and more.


Seeing how Miracle Money changes lives, donors are encouraged to give and see the joy of knowing that every dollar donated goes to an unhoused neighbor in need. They follow updates along the way.


Help make a difference.

Donate to Miracle Money and help change a life like Rachel’s.