Meet Peggy

Get to know Peggy and follow along with her journey with Miracle Money

Who is Peggy?

San Francisco, CA

Peggy, who currently resides on Market Street in San Francisco, has been combatting hardships for the past four years.

Miracle Money Goals 2021

1. Continue to save up for a place to live

2. Improve her credit and negative account balance

More about Peggy

After her divorce, she became homeless. Peggy found her way to her Miracle Friend, Stella, as well as the Miracle Money program. With aspirations to turn her life around, Peggy is a testament to resilience, dedication, and never giving up, regardless of the circumstances.


Peggy’s Miracle Money Experience

After her divorce, Peggy had lost all hope. Now, however, with the help of Miracle Money and other developments, Peggy finally has a roof over her head and the keys to her own place, a beautiful studio apartment, adjacent to the water in San Francisco. The Miracle Money has also helped  Peggy pay her credit card bills and have some money left over for food, transport, and hygiene. 

In addition to its role as a stipend, Miracle Money has also been a support system, a group of people who took a chance on someone who was really struggling. 

Now, if someone asks whether she’s experiencing homelessness, Peggy responds with a joyous "Not anymore!".

In the first month as a Miracle Money recipient, Peggy has been able to chip away at her credit-card debt. She has worked closely with a Smart Money coach and is feeling much more stable. She is also eagerly searching for housing options and making progress on this primary goal. Fortunately, Peggy has the support of Miracle Money and also her Miracle Friend, who has been "extremely nice to have around."

Throughout April, Peggy continued to aim for a place of her own and reduce her credit-card debt. She struggled to access the information she needs for the housing forms and was well aware that the long line for placement offers no guarantee. 

While stressed and anxious, she was also hopeful that in the coming months, she would achieve her number-one goal of housing. Fortunately, the supportive and friendly conversations with her Miracle Friend helped to help her get through her current hardships.

The hardships and disappointments of May were replaced with happiness and breakthroughs in June. Peggy finally got the keys to her own place! Her new studio apartment has a view of Broadway and she could not be more excited! Miracle Money has truly allowed her to get a place of her own, one of her top goals.

Peggy has cultivated many goals and is certain the Miracle Money program will continue to bring positive changes to her life. Peggy was "overjoyed" at the "lovely surprise and added bonus" Miracle Money would bring to her life.

With goals such as to buy a place to live of her very own and to clean up her credit, Peggy is committed to utilizing this program and continue on an upward trajectory. The goals she has stemmed from her current obstacles and situation, and Peggy is talks of the "big help" from Miracle Messages.

Additionally, Peggy’s Miracle Friend, Stella, is someone who has been a very supportive part of Peggy's journey. Peggy's resilience and hope while combatting the last four years filled with hardship speaks to her mental toughness and faith and we are very happy to support her through Miracle Money.

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Why Miracle Money?


Build relationships.

Our Miracle Friends program meets people where they are at, treats people not as problems to be solved but as people to be loved. We find that good communication and accountability follow.

Give funds.

We have raised over $45,000 through peer-to-peer fundraising to give 15 recipients $500/month for six months. Funds are used for housing, car repairs and transportation, bills, clothing, and more.


Seeing how Miracle Money changes lives, donors are encouraged to give and see the joy of knowing that every dollar donated goes to an unhoused neighbor in need. They follow updates along the way.


Help make a difference.

Donate to Miracle Money and help change a life like Peggy’s.