Meet Nathaniel

Get to know Nathaniel and follow along with his journey with Miracle Money

Who is Nathaniel?

San Francisco, CA

Although Nathaniel has experienced many hardships regarding mental health, racism, and isolation, he continues to choose love and kindness every day. He expresses that, “I can’t let go of the love in the world, because if I do, I’m done.”

Miracle Money Goals 2021

1. Access stable housing

2. Stay off the streets

3. Find someone to love

In Nathaniel’s Words

“Once the power of love overcomes the love of power, only then the world will know peace.”

More about Nathaniel

Throughout the stressful and painful times, Nathaniel has been able to rely on his Miracle Friend, Bruce. They check-in on each other a few times every week and share almost everything with one another.

Bruce expresses that “Nathaniel was really there for me when my father died this year at 90 years old. He helped me process the loss and put our relationship in a positive perspective.”

Now that he is also a participant of Miracle Money, Nathaniel wants to focus on obtaining housing and is determined to get off the streets for good.


Nathaniel’s Miracle Money Experience

After months of uncertainty about his future housing situation, Nathaniel has found a place to live following his stay at a shelter-in-place hotel. He is extremely grateful for the Miracle Money that helps him pay his rent, and he’s relieved to have this stress lifted from his shoulders for the time being. To further his sense of financial security, Nathaniel has begun working at a Catholic church a few days a week.

Nathaniel is an active member of his community and is not afraid to discuss the far-reaching economic and social issues he witnesses on a daily basis. He and his activist colleagues met with members of the city council to share their difficult experiences and be a voice for victims of racial inequality. Additionally in May, Nathaniel underwent eye surgery to prevent blindness and is working towards a smooth recovery.

During that time, Nathaniel had temporary housing but faced the threat of returning to the streets. The Miracle Money distributions are helping him remain optimistic about the future by allowing him to save money for his own place to rent.

Nathaniel is doing well and is keeping on track by still using the funds from Miracle Money for rent. 

Leave a message for Nathaniel

Send Nathaniel some encouragement!

Why Miracle Money?


Build relationships.

Our Miracle Friends program meets people where they are at, treats people not as problems to be solved but as people to be loved. We find that good communication and accountability follow.

Give funds.

We have raised over $45,000 through peer-to-peer fundraising to give 15 recipients $500/month for six months. Funds are used for housing, car repairs and transportation, bills, clothing, and more.


Seeing how Miracle Money changes lives, donors are encouraged to give and see the joy of knowing that every dollar donated goes to an unhoused neighbor in need. They follow updates along the way.


Help make a difference.

Donate to Miracle Money and help change a life like Nathaniel’s.