What are Chapters?

Chapters expand our mission across communities by partnering with local homeless service providers that support those facing homelessness.

Importance of Chapters

This work requires messages, social media, and most importantly volunteers. We welcome anyone who believes in our work to end relational poverty to start a new chapter. Rebuilding social support systems for others starts with us consistently being there for our unhoused friends. If you choose to start a chapter we ask you to make a 4 month commitment to partnering with another service provider.

Chapters fall into two broad categories: College and City chapters. College Chapters are mainly led by students but may have assistance from school advisors. City Chapters are adult led and are open to anyone in the city.

Where are the existing or in-process chapters located?


North America

Austin: University of Texas
Contact: Vidhyasai Annem vannem@utexas.edu

Phoenix: Tempe/Arizona State University (ASU)
Contact: Bonnie Ervin bervin@asu.edu


South Florida
Gabby Cordell

Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Ann Arbor


Los Angeles: University of Southern California (USC)
Contact: Emily Artiano artiano@usc.edu

How to Join an existing Chapter

  1. Contact the point person for the specific chapter

  2. Questions? Contact:
    Colette Lay (Chief of Staff): colette@miraclemessages.org