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Welcome to our GNA6 Photo Gallery, a visual celebration of the beautiful tapestry of our community. We are honored to share these moments with you and appreciate your help in ensuring that every member of our community is treated with dignity and respect.

Guidelines for Downloading & Sharing:

  • Respect Privacy – Please limit your downloads to photos of you and your loved ones. Our community thrives on trust, and we ask that you honor the privacy of all individuals in these images.

  • Use Discretion – When sharing photos on your personal or organizational channels, please be mindful of the dignity and lived experiences of our Miracle Messages family.

  • Give Credit – If posting on social media or other communications channels, kindly credit the images as:
    "Photo courtesy of Miracle Messages."

How to Download:

  • Desktop: Right-click the desired image and select “Save Image As.”

  • Mobile: Long press the image and select “Save to Device.”

We’d like to give a special thank you to ECC Productions for these incredible photos and video recap they’ve produced for us! And also a huge thank you to our sponsor and host, City Club of San Francisco for hosting our event!

For any questions or assistance, please reach out to

Thank you for being part of this movement. Enjoy!